Sean Conklin

  •  Yi Tang English Name: barley malt sugar, maltose Pharmaceutical Name: Saccharum Granorum Medica Category: Qi-Tonifying Herbs Properties: Yi Tang enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Lung channels; it is sweet in nature and warm in temperature. What is Yi Tang?: The Chinese Herb Yi Tang is maltose (or barley malt sugar), which is sugar that is… read more

  • Yi Tiao Gen English Name: moghenia root Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Moghaniae Medica Category: Dispel Wind-Damp; Open Channels and Collaterals Properties: Yi Tiao Gen enters the Liver and Kidney channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Yi Tiao Gen: Yi Tiao Gen is the root of the Moghenia plant (Moghania lineate… read more

  • Yi Wu Gen English Name: elaeagnus Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Elaeagni Medica Category: Wind Damp Dispelling Herbs – Pain Relieving Herbs Properties: Yi Wu Gen enters the Liver channel; it is bland in nature and cool in temperature. What is Yi Wu Gen?: The Chinese Herb Yi Wu Gen is the dried roots of the Elaeagnus… read more

  • Yi Yi Ren English Name: coix seeds, Job’s tears Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Coicis Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Yi Yi Ren enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Lung channels; it is sweet and bland in nature and cool in temperature. What is Yi Yi Ren?: The Chinese Herb Yi Yi Ren is the dried,… read more

  • Yi Zhi Ren English Name: alpine fruit, sharp-leaf galangal fruit Literal Translation: “benefit the intelligence seed” Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Alpinae Oxyphyllae Medica Category: Yang-Tonifying Herbs Properties: Yi Zhi Ren enters the Kidney and Spleen channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Yi Zhi Ren?: The Chinese Herb Yi Zhi Ren… read more

  • Yi Zhi Xiang English Name:  vernonia Literal Translation: “individual fragrance” Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Vernoniae Cinereae Medica Category: Wind-Heat Releasing Herbs Properties: Yi Zhi Xiang enters Lung and Liver channels; it is acrid and bitter in nature and cool in temperature. What is Yi Zhi Xiang?: The Chinese Herb Yi Zhi Xiang is the dried aerial… read more

  • Yin Chai Hu English Name: stellaria root, Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Stellariae Medica Category: Deficiency-Heat Clearing Herbs Properties: Yin Chai Hu enters the Liver and Stomach channels; it is swwet in nature and cool in temperature. What is Yin Chai Hu?: The Chinese Herb Yin Chai Hu is the dried root of stellaria (Stellaria dichotoma L.… read more

  • Yin Chen Hao English Name: artemisia scoparia, virgate wormwood, capillary wormwood, oriental wormwood Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Artemisiae Scopariae Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Yin Chen Hao enters the Liver, Spleen, Gallbladder, and Stomach channels; it is bitter in nature and cool in temperature. What is Yin Chen Hao?: The Chinese Herb Yin Chen… read more

  • Yin Guo Ye English Name: ginkgo leaf Literal Translation: “silver fruit leaf” Pharmaceutical Name: Folium Ginkgo Medica Category: Cough- and Wheezing- Relieving Herbs Properties: Yin Guo Ye enters the Lung channel, it is sweet, bitter, and astringent in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Yin Guo Ye?: The Chinese Herb Yin Guo Ye is… read more

  • Yin Yang Huo English Name: epimedium, horny goat weed Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Epimedii Medica Category: Yang-Tonifying Herbs Properties: Yin Yang Huo enters the Kidney and Liver channels; it is acrid and sweet in nature and warm in temperature. What is Yin Yang Huo?: The Chinese Herb Yin Yang Huo is the dried above ground parts… read more