Cough- and Wheezing- Relieving Herbs

  • Gu Zhi Hua English Name: oroxylum, broken-bones tree (fruit) Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Oroxyli Medica Category: Cough- and Wheezing- Relieving Herbs Properties: Gua Zhi Hua enters the Liver and Lung channels; it is sweet and bland in nature and cool in temperature. What is Gua Zhi Hua?: The Chinese Herb Gu Zhi Hua is the dried… read more

  • Bai Bu English Name: stemona, sessile stemona root, Japanese stemona root, tuberous stemona root Literal Translation: “hundred parts” Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Stemonae Medica Category: Cough- and Wheezing- Relieving Herbs Properties: Bai Bu enters the Lung channel; it is sweet and bitter in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Bai Bu? The Chinese Herb Bai… read more

  • Bai Guo English Name: ginkgo nut, ginkgo seed Literal Translation: “white fruit seed” Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Ginkgo Medica Category: Cough- and Wheezing- Relieving Herbs Properties: Bai Guo enters the Lung channel; it is sweet, bitter, and astringent in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Bai Guo? The Chinese Herb Bai Guo is the dried… read more