Wei Ling Xian English Name: Chinese Clematis Literal Name: “mighty curative immortal” Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Clematidis Medica Category: Wind Damp Dispelling Herbs – Pain Relieving Herbs Properties: Wei Ling Xian enters the Urinary Bladder channel; it is acrid and salty in nature and warm in temperature. What is Wei Ling Xian?: The Chinese Herb Wei… read more
Wu Bei Zi English Name: nut galls, Chinese nut galls Pharmaceutical Name: Galla Chinensis Medica Category: Astringent Herbs Properties: Wu Bei Zi enters the Lung, Large Intestine, and Kidney channels; it is salty and sour in natute and cold in temperature. What is Wu Bei Zi?: The Chinese Herb Wu Bei Zi is dried gall… read more
Wu Gong English Name: centipede Pharmaceutical Name: Scolopendra Medica Category: Liver-Calming and Wind-Extinguishing Herbs Properties: Wu Gong enters the Liver channel; it is acrid in nature, warm in temperature, and considered toxic. What is Wu Gong?: The Chinese Herb Wu Gong is the dried whole body of the Chinese red-headed centipede (Scolopendra mutilans L. Koch.).… read more
Wu Jia Pi English Name: acanthopanax root bark, eleutherococcus Pharmaceutical Name: Cortex Acanthopanacis Medica Category: Wind Damp Dispelling Herbs – Tendon and Bone Strengthening Herbs Properties: Wu Jia Pi enters the Liver and Kidney channels; it is acrid and bitter in nature and warm in temperature. What is Wu Jia Pi?: The Chinese Herb Wu… read more
Wu Long Cha English Name: oolong tea Pharmaceutical Name: Folium Camellia Sinensis Fermentata Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Fire-Purging Herbs Properties: Wu Long Cha enters the Heart, Lung, Small Intestine, and Stomach channels; it is bitter and sweet in nature and cool in temperature. What is Wu Long Cha?: The Chinese Herb Wu Long Cha is… read more
Wu Mei English Name: mume, smoked plum, dark plum Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Mume Medica Category: Astringent Herbs Properties: Wu Mei enters the Liver, Spleen, Lung, and Large Intestine channels; it is sour in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Wu Mei?: The Chinese Herb Wu Mei is the dried fruit of the Chinese plum… read more
Shan Zhu Yu English Name: cornus, asiatic cornealian cherry fruit, asiatic dogwood fruit, macrocarpium berry Literal Translation: “sour mountain herb” Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Corni Medica Category: Astringent Herbs Properties: Shan Zhu Yu enters the Kidney and Liver channels; it is sour in nature and slightly warm in temperature. What is Shan Zhu Yu?: The Chinese… read more
Shang Lu English Name: phytolacca, (Indian) poke root Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Phytolaccae Medica Category: Downward Draining Herbs—Harsh Expellants (Cathartics) Properties: Shang Lu enters the Lung, Kidney, and Large Intestine channels; it is bitter in nature, cold in temperature, and considered toxic according to TCM theory. What is Shang Lu?: The Chinese herb Shang Lu is… read more
She Chuan Zi English Name: cnidium fruit Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Cnidii Medica Category: Substances for Topical Application Properties: She Chuang Zi enters the Kidney channel; it is acrid and bitter in nature and warm in temperature. What is She Chuang Zi?: The Chinese Herb She Chuang Zi is the dried, mature fruit of the annual… read more