Downward Draining Herbs– Purgatives

  • Lu Hui English Name: aloe, aloe vera Pharmaceutical Name: Aloe Medica Category: Downward Draining Herbs– Purgatives Properties: Lu Hui enters the Liver and Large intestine channels; it is bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Lu Hui?: The Chinese Herb Lu Hui is the dried concentrate of juice of the succulent variety Aloe… read more

  • Mang Xiao English Name: sodium sulfate, mirabilite Pharmaceutical Name: Natrii Sulfas Medica Category: Downward Draining Herbs– Purgatives Properties: Mang Xiao enters the Lung, Stomach, and Large Intestine channels; it is salty and bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Mang Xiao?: The Chinese Herb Mang Xiao (aka Glauber’s salt) is a kind of… read more

  • Fan Xie Ye English Name: senna leaves Literal Translation: “barbarian purgative leaves” Pharmaceutical Name: Folium Sennae Medica Category: Downward Draining Herbs– Purgatives Properties: Fan Xie Ye enters the Large Intestine channel; it is sweet and bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Fan Xie Ye?: The Chinese Herb Fan Xie Ye is the… read more

  • Da Huang English Name: rhubarb root Pharmaceutical Name: Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Medica Category: Downward Draining Herbs– Purgatives Properties: Da Huang enters the Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, Liver, and Heart channels; it is bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Da Huang?: The Chinese Herb is the dried root and rhizome of three… read more

  • Ba Dou English Name: croton fruit Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Crotonis Medica Category: Downward Draining Herbs– Purgatives Properties: Ba Dou enters the Stomach and Large Intestine channels; it is acrid in nature, hot in temperature, and considered toxic according to TCM theory. What is Ba Dou? The Chinese Herb Ba Dou is the dried fruit of… read more