Wu Ming Yi English Name: pyrolusite Pharmaceutical Name: Pyrolusitum Medica Category: Substances for Topical Application Properties: Wu Ming Yi enters the Liver and Kidney channels; it is sweet in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Wu Ming Yi?: The Chinese Herb Wu Ming Yi is pyrolusite, a common ore of manganese that is mined… read more
Wu Shao She English Name: zaocys, black snake Pharmaceutical Name: Zaocys Medica Category: Wind Damp Dispelling Herbs – Channel and Collateral Opening Herbs Properties: Wu Shao She enters the Spleen and Liver channels; it is sweet and salty in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Wu Shao She?: The Chinese Herb Wu Shao She… read more
Wu Tian English Name: Vitex root and leaves Pharmaceutical Name: Radix et Folium Viticis Quinatae Medica Category: Wind-Heat Releasing Herbs Properties: Wu Tian enters the Lung channel; it is sweet, acrid, and bland in nature and cold in temperature. What is Wu Tian?: The Chinese Herb Wu Tian is the dried leaves and roots of… read more
Wu Wei Zi English Name: schisandra berry, Chinese magnolia vine fruit, five-flavor fruit. Literal Translation: “five-flavor seed” Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis Medica Category: Astringent Herbs Properties: Wu Wei Zi enters the Lung, Heart, and Kidney channels; it is sour in nature and warm in temperature. What is Wu Wei Zi?: The Chinese Herb Wu… read more
Wu Yao English Name: lindera root Literal Translation: “black medicine” Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Linderae Medica Category: Qi-Regulating Herbs Properties: Wu Yao enters the Urinary Bladder, Kidney, Lung, and Spleen channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Wu Yao?: The Chinese Herb Wu Yao is dried roots from lindera (Lindera strychnifolia… read more
Wu Zhu Yu English Name: evodia fruit Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Evodiae Medica Category: Interior-Warming Herbs Properties: Wu Zhu Yu enters the Liver, Spleen, and Stomach channels; it is acrid and bitter in nature and hot in temperature. What is Wu Zhu Yu?: The Chinese Herb Wu Zhu Yu is the dried, immature fruit of the… read more
Xi Gua English Name: watermelon (fruit) Literal Translation: “west fruit” Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Citrulli Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Fire-Purging Herbs Properties: Xi Gua enters the Heart, Stomach, and Urinary Bladder channels; it is sweet in nature and cold in temperature. What is Xi Gua?: The Chinese Herb Xi Gua is watermelon fruit. Traditional Chinese Medicine… read more
Xi Gua Pi English Name: watermelon peel Pharmaceutical Name: Pericarpium Citrulli Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Fire-Purging Herbs Properties: Xi Gua Pi enters the Heart, Stomach, and Urinary Bladder channels’ it is sweet in nature and cold in temperature. What is Xi Gua Pi?: Xi Gua Pi is the inner rind of a watermelon. Traditional Chinese… read more
Xi Jiao English Name: rhinoceros horn Pharmaceutical Name: Cornu Rhinoceri Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Blood-Cooling Herbs Properties: Xi Jiao enters the Heart, Liver, and Stomach channels; it is bitter and salty in nature and cold in temperature. What is Xi Jiao?: The Chinese Herb Xi Jiao is powdered rhinoceros horn. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapeutic… read more