Ban Xia English Name: pinellia, pinellia tuber Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Pinelliae Medica Category: Phlegm-Resolving Herbs Properties: Ban Xia enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Lung channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Ban Xia?: The Chinese Herb Ban Xia is the small, round rhizome (tuber) from a plant with the common… read more
Ban Zhi Lian English Name: barbed skullcap, bearded scuttelaria, scute barbata Literal Translation: “half-branch lotus” Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Scutellariae Barbatae Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Toxin-Eliminating Herbs Properties: Ban Zhi Lian enters the Liver, Lung, and Stomach channels; it is acrid and slightly bitter in nature and cool in temperature. What is Ban Zhi Lian?: The… read more
Bi Ba English Name: long pepper Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Piper Longi Medica Category: Interior-Warming Herbs Properties: Bi Ba enters the Stomach and Large Intestine channels; it is acrid in nature and hot in temperature. What is Bi Ba?: The Chinese Herb Bi Ba is the dried fruit of a tropical vine in the pepper family… read more
Bi Cheng Qie English Name: litsea, mountain pepper, cubeb fruit Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Litseae Medica Category: Interior-Warming Herbs Properties: Bi Cheng Qie enters the Spleen, Stomach, Kidney, and Urinary Bladder channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Bi Cheng Qie?: The Chinese Herb Bi Cheng Qie is the aromatic dried… read more
Bi Xie English Name: tokoro Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Bi Xie enters the Urinary Bladder, Liver, and Stomach channels; it is bitter in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Bi Xie?: The Chinese Herb Bi Xie is the dried, sliced tokoro yam rhizome (Dioscorea hypoglauca and… read more
Bi Zi Cao English Name: crinite pogonatherum, goldensilk grass Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Pogonantheri Criniti Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Bi Zi Cao enters the Kidney and Urinary Bladder channels; it is sweet in nature and cool in temperature. What is Bi Zi Cao?: The Chinese Herb Bi Zi Cao is the dried aerial… read more
Bian Xu English Name: knotgrass, polygonum Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Polygoni Avicularis Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Bian Xu enters the Urinary Bladder channel; it is bitter in nature and cool in temperature. What is Bian Xu?: The Chinese Herb Bian Xu is the dried aerial parts of common knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare L.), a… read more