Sean Conklin

  • Chu Shi Zi English Name: broussonetia, paper mulberry fruit Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Broussonetiae Medica Category: Yin-Tonifying Herbs Properties: Chu Shi Zi enters the Kidney and Liver channels; it is sweet in nature and cold in temperature. What is Chu Shi Zi?: The Chinese Herb Chu Shi Zi is the dried, mature fruit of the paper… read more

  • Chuan Bei Mu English Name: fritillaria cirrhosae (and other species) bulb, Himalayan frillitary lily bulb Pharmaceutical Name: Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Medica Category: Phlegm-Resolving Herbs Properties: Chuan Bei Mu enters the Heart and Lung channels; it is bitter and sweet in nature and cool in temperature. What is Chuan Bei Mu?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Bei… read more

  • Chuan Lian Zi English Name: melia, Sichuan chinaberry fruit, toosendan fruit Pharmaceutical Name: Medica Category: Qi-Regulating Herbs Properties: Chuan Lian Zi enters the Liver, Small Intestines, Stomach, and Urinary Bladder channels; it is bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Chuan Lian Zi?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Lian Zi is the dried, cracked… read more

  • Chuan Mu Tong English Name: armand clematis stem, anemone clematis stem Pharmaceutical Name: Caulis Clematidis Armandii Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Chuan Mu Tong enters the Urinary Bladder and Small Intestine channels; it is bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Chuan Mu Tong?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Mu Tong is… read more

  • Chuan Niu Xi English Name: cyathula root Literal Translation: “ox knee from Sichuan” Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Cyathula Medica Category: Blood-Invigorating and Stasis-Removing Herbs Properties: Chuan Niu Xi enters the Liver and Kidney channels; it is bitter and sour in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Chuan Niu Xi?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Niu Xi… read more

  • Chuan Shan Jia English Name: pangolin scales, anteater scales Literal Translation: in Cantonese the word “pangolin” translates as “the animal that digs through the mountain”. Pharmaceutical Name: Squama Manis Medica Category: Blood-Invigorating and Stasis-Removing Herbs Properties: Chuan Shan Jia enters the Liver and Stomach channels; it is salty in nature and cool in temperature. What… read more

  • Chuan Shan Long English Name: dioscorea nipponica Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Dioscoreae Nipponicae Medica Category: Wind Damp Dispelling Herbs – Channel and Collateral Opening Herbs Properties: Chuan Shan Long enters the Liver and Lung channels; it is bitter in nature and cool in temperature. What is Chuan Shan Long?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Shan Long is… read more

  • (Zhi) Chuan Wu English Name: aconite wutou (prepared), Sichuan aconite root (prepared), mother root of common monk’s hood (prepared) Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Aconiti Preparata Medica Category: Interior-Warming Herbs Properties: Chuan Wu enters the Liver, Spleen, and Heart channels; it is acrid and bitter in nature and hot in temperature. What is Chuan Wu?: The Chinese… read more

  • Chuan Xin Lian English Name: andrographis Literal Translation: “penetrate the heart lotus” Pharmaceutical name: Herba Andrographis Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Toxin-Eliminating Herbs Properties: Chuan Xin Lian enters the Lung, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Small Intestine channels is bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Chuan Xin Lian?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Xin Lian… read more

  • Chuan Xiong English Name: cnidium, Sichuan lovage root Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong Medica Category: Blood-Invigorating and Stasis-Removing Herbs Properties: Chuan Xiong enters the Liver, Gallbladder, and Pericardium channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Chuan Xiong?: The Chinese Herb Chuan Xiong is Sichuan lovage root (from Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.;… read more