Sean Conklin

  • Qu Mai English Name: dianthus, Chinese pink, fringed pink, rainbow pink Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Dianthi Medica Category: Water-Regulating and Damp-Resolving Herbs Properties: Qu Mai enters the Urinary Bladder, Heart, and Small Intestine channels; it is bitter in nature and cold in temperature. What is Qu Mai?: The Chinese Herb Qu Mai is the dried aerial… read more

  • Quan Xie English Name: scorpion Pharmaceutical Name: Scorpio Medica Category: Liver-Calming and Wind-Extinguishing Herbs Properties: Quan Xie enters the Liver channel; it is acrid in nature, warm in temperature, and considered toxic. What is Quan Xie?: The Chinese Herb Quan Xie is the dried carcass of the Chinese scorpion (Buthus martensi Karsch.); the whole body… read more

  • Ren Dong Teng English Name: lonicera vine, honeysuckle stem Pharmaceutical Name: Caulis Lonicerae Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Toxin-Eliminating Herbs Properties: Ren Dong Teng enters the Lung and Stomach channels; it is sweet in nature and cold in temperature. What is Ren Dong Teng?: The Chinese Herb Ren Dong Teng is the dried stem of the… read more

  • Ren Shen English Name: ginseng root Literal Translation: “man’s plant”, “man root” Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Ginseng Medica Category: Qi-Tonifying Herbs Properties: Ren Shen enters the Lung and Spleen channels; it is sweet and slightly bitter in nature and slightly warm in temperature. What is Ren Shen?: The Chinese Herb Ren Shen (or Asian ginseng) is… read more

  • Ren Zhong Bai English Name: human urine sediment Pharmaceutical Name: Urinae Hominis Sedimen Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Fire-Purging Herbs Properties: Ren Zhong Bai enters the Liver, Kidney, San Jiao, and Urinary Bladder channels; it is salty in nature and neutral in temperature. What is Ren Zhong Bai?: The Chinese Herb Ren Zhong Bai is the… read more

  • Rou Cong Rong English Name: cistanche, desert broomrape Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Cistanches Medica Category: Yang-Tonifying Herbs Properties: Rou Cong Rong enters the Kidney and Large Intestine channels; it is sweet and salty in nature and warm in temperature. What is Rou Cong Rong?: The Chinese Herb Rou Cong Rong is derived from a hardy, desert… read more

  • Rou Dou Kou English Name: myristica, nutmeg Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Myristicae Medica Category: Astringent Herbs Properties: Rou Dou Kou enters the Large Intestine, Spleen, and Stomach channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature. What is Rou Dou Kou?: The Chinese Herb Rou Dou Kou is the dried, inner seed of the fruit… read more

  • Rou Gui English Name: cinnamon bark, cassia bark Pharmaceutical Name: Cortex cinnamomi Medica Category: Interior-Warming Herbs Properties: Rou Gui enters the Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Spleen channels; it is acrid and sweet in nature and hot in temperature. What is Rou Gui?: The Chinese Herb Rou Gui is the dried inner bark of the cinnamon… read more

  • Ru Xiang English Name: frankincense, olibanum Pharmaceutical Name: Gummi Olibanum Medica Category: Blood-Invigorating and Stasis-Removing Herbs Properties: Ru Xiang enters the Heart, Liver, and Spleen channels; it is acrid and bitter in nature and warm in temperature. What is Ru Xiang?: The Chinese Herb Ru Xiang is frankincense (aka olibanum), an aromatic, gum-like resin that… read more

  • Rui Ren English Name: prinsepia seed, hedge prinsepia nut Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Prinsepiae Medica Category: Heat-Clearing and Fire-Purging Herbs Properties: Rui Ren enters the Liver channel; it is sweet in nature and cool in temperature. What is Rui Ren?: The hedge prinsepia (Prinsepia uniflora) is a sharp-spined shrub of moderate size (6’ x 6’) native… read more